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This page explains some of the terminology used in deploying Kubernetes with Juju.


{{%capture overview%}} 本页介绍了用 Juju 部署 Kubernetes 时使用的一些术语。 {{%/ capture%}}

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<!– controller - The management node of a cloud environment. Typically you have one controller per cloud region, or more in HA environments. The controller is responsible for managing all subsequent models in a given environment. It contains the Juju API server and its underlying database.

model - A collection of charms and their relationships that define a deployment. This includes machines and units. A controller can host multiple models. It is recommended to separate Kubernetes clusters into individual models for management and isolation reasons.

charm - The definition of a service, including its metadata, dependencies with other services, required packages, and application management logic. It contains all the operational knowledge of deploying a Kubernetes cluster. Included charm examples are kubernetes-core, easyrsa, flannel, and etcd.

unit - A given instance of a service. These may or may not use up a whole machine, and may be colocated on the same machine. So for example you might have a kubernetes-worker, and etcd, and easyrsa units running on a single machine, but they are three distinct units of different services.

machine - A physical node, these can either be bare metal nodes, or virtual machines provided by a cloud.

controller - 云环境的管理节点。通常,每个域(Region)都有一个 controller,在高可用环境中有更多 controller。每个 controller 负责管理给定环境中的所有后续 model。Controller 中包含 Juju API 服务器及其底层数据库。

model - 定义 Deployments 的一系列 charms 及其关系的集合。model 之中包括 machine 和更小的 unit。每个 controller 可以托管多个 model。出于管理和隔离的原因,建议将 Kubernetes 集群分成独立的 model。

charm - 每个 charm 对应一个 Service 的定义,包括其元数据、与其他服务间的依赖关系、所需的包和应用管理逻辑。 其中包含部署 Kubernetes 集群的所有操作知识。内置的 charms 例子有 kubernetes-coreeasyrsaflanneletcd 等。

unit - 对应某 Service 的给定实例。每个 unit 可能会也可能不会耗尽某指定机器上的所有资源。多个 unit 可能部署在同一台机器上。例如,您可能在一台机器上运行 kubernetes-workeretcd 以及 easyrsa unit,但它们是基于不同服务的三个独立的 unit。

machine - 物理节点,可以是裸机节点,也可以是云提供商提供的虚拟机。 {{%/ capture%}}
