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本页假设有一个使用 Juju 部署的、正在运行的集群。



破坏 Juju 模型

建议使用各自的模型来相应地部署 Kubernetes 集群, 以便各个环境之间能够界限分明。 如果想要删除一个集群,首先需要通过 juju list-models 命令找到其对应的模型。 控制器为其自身预留了 admin 这个模型。 如果没有命名模型,则模型名可能会显示为 default

$ juju list-models
Controller: aws-us-east-2

Model       Cloud/Region   Status     Machines  Cores  Access  Last connection
controller  aws/us-east-2  available         1      2  admin   just now
my-kubernetes-cluster*    aws/us-east-2  available        12     22  admin   2 minutes ago


juju destroy-model my-kubernetes-cluster
$ juju destroy-model my-kubernetes-cluster
WARNING! This command will destroy the "my-kubernetes-cluster" model.
This includes all machines, applications, data and other resources.

Continue [y/N]? y
Destroying model
Waiting on model to be removed, 12 machine(s), 10 application(s)...
Waiting on model to be removed, 12 machine(s), 9 application(s)...
Waiting on model to be removed, 12 machine(s), 8 application(s)...
Waiting on model to be removed, 12 machine(s), 7 application(s)...
Waiting on model to be removed, 12 machine(s)...
Waiting on model to be removed...

这将会彻底破坏并销毁所有节点。 运行 juju status 命令可以确认所有节点是否已经被销毁。

如果使用的是公有云,命令将会终止所有的实例。 如果使用的是 MAAS 裸机,命令将会释放所有的节点,(可能)清空磁盘,关闭机器, 然后将节点资源返回到可用的机器池中。



$ juju list-controllers
Use --refresh flag with this command to see the latest information.

Controller      Model  User   Access     Cloud/Region   Models  Machines    HA  Version
aws-us-east-2*  -      admin  superuser  aws/us-east-2       2         1  none  2.0.1

$ juju destroy-controller aws-us-east-2
WARNING! This command will destroy the "aws-us-east-2" controller.
This includes all machines, applications, data and other resources.

Continue? (y/N):y
Destroying controller
Waiting for hosted model resources to be reclaimed
All hosted models reclaimed, cleaning up controller machines
